Select a race

You're viewing a map of {{ categories[0].races[0].Description }}. Check back later for election results. Election results are generally available by 9:00PM PST on the day of the election.

Check back later for election results. These maps are generally available by 9:00PM PST on the day of the election.

Select a race


Data from {{ election.report_name }}.

by Chris Arvin

{{ selectedContest.Description }}{{ focusCandidateName }} · {{ city == 'SFO' ? 'Citywide' : 'Overall' }}: {{ singleWinnerPercent }}% in BART D9

{{ selectedContest.Description }}
{{ city == 'SFO' ? 'Citywide Turnout' : 'Overall Turnout' }}: {{ singleWinnerPercent }}%
  • {{ candidate.legendDesc && candidate.legendDesc[contestCalculationID] ? candidate.legendDesc[contestCalculationID] : candidate.Description }}
{{ legend.items && legend.items[0] ? currentMinPercent + "%" : ""}}
{{ legend.items && legend.items[0] ? currentMaxPercent + "%" : "" }}

Turnout data as of {{ election.extraTurnoutDate }}

No results yet.

Check back later for election results. These maps are generally available by 9:00PM PST on the day of the election.

Created with love by Chris Arvin.

Try comparing results & demographics

Data from {{ election.report_name }}.
